The bus picked us up as the hut we set off, the Scouts at the back having a wee party - cubs at the front having a chat. We stopped off at MacDonalds for some chips and a stretch of our legs.
As we arrive at PGL we met Adam our groupie. He is the guy who looks after us between activity and plays games with us in the evening.
We were split into teams and had to come up with names. Much deliberation later and one team came up with half of a double act name - the big spoons. Our little spoons were nowhere to be found and instead we have team 007. Team chants planned we spent the rest of the day singing songs and playing games.

Fish or meatballs for dinner followed by a questionable sponge cake... Everyone went mental for the salad bar of course...
The evening activity was a huge game of Ambush. One team hid in the grounds of Dalguise - which in the dark was very scary! They left pointers for the other team to follow and when they found them we would ambush them! Team 007 won by a mile ! The big spoons tried some "inventive tactics" by phoning Linda and hoping her phone would ring in the dark!
Bed time was a challenge with 21 highly excitable kids, eventually we all got a good nights sleep in our lovely indoor chalet.
Early rise this morning for a full breakfasts in the dining hall.
The activities in the morning were challenge course : an assault course in the mud, with some more mud added in for extra muddy-ness! This finished off with a crawl though the TUNNEL OF DOOM - a pipe in a river!
Trapeze : climbing a huge tree before jumping off and trying to touch the big orange ball hanging in the trees. Nerves of steel and a head for hights required for this.

Lunch gave us a break and a chance to wash all the mud off.
The afternoon was filled with raft building and fencing. Our rafts were super easy to build and surprisingly sturdy! We had a paddle round the lake to test them out - a few people make a little splash - Lesley made a big splash!
Fencing was a new sport for most of us, we got to play games before getting kitted up in full combat gear. Everyone enjoyed challenging each other to duels - by slapping them round the (masked) face with gloves! En-garde!

Dinner was lamb curry and chicken with amazing toffee Belgian waffles.
Lots of new little games were played that we can take home. Ninja, splat, cut the cake, Rock Paper Scissors cheerleader and moo train - which is hilarious for the leader to watch!
The night was finished off with a giant game of cluedo in the dark.
The leaders all dressed up as characters in the game and PC Adam briefed the detectives. The suspects were lined up and questioned before hiding around the Dalguise estate. Each group had to find the suspects in the dark and complete a task for each one before getting clues awarded. The nasty Maggie Mop, as played by Lesley our GSL, was the criminal so got wet-secuted !
That busy day was finished off with a hot chocolate in the leaders social room of our chalet, the cubs went off to bed and the scouts helped write out this blog.
Morning showers on a camp - still a great novelty for everyone. (I'm still impressed by a roof!)
Another hearty breakfast set us up for the day ahead, which started with mountain biking and jacobs ladder.
Bike skills and learning how to mountain bike started us off - then we set off into the trees, down hills and through rivers! A few of us face planted and went for a swim!

The jacobs ladder was a chance for the young people to work together and get each other up as high as possible! One of the scouts just scuttled right to the top like to ninja! When on climbing everyone else had a go at belaying and cheering on the climbers. The kids all loved watching the leaders trying to clamber up, watching Lesley Scott and Lee was very funny!

Lunch let us catch our breath and have some games all together with Adam.
Quad biking were a bit underwhelming - the scouts wanted more power. But the little cubs enjoyed there first time driving!

Zip wire was great - flying down the 100m wire high in the air. Fentons terrible/funny jokes and being thrown off the tower by Becky down the zip wire made this most peoples favourite activity.

Great fun snapping Regie the wedgie penguins neck.
After dinner we had a campfire run by Adam and Craig, they had all the Cubs believing they were telepathic. Learned a few new songs and claps - but we all agree one thing - Scouts are kings of campfires! We sing louder and make bigger fires!
We finished the day by packing up our kit in the dark as there was a power cut! More hot chocolate before bed.
We started the day by packing up ready to leave our lovely little chalet. Fraser took our bags down in the pickup so we didn't have to trail them all down the giant hill!
Another great breakfast before a morning of activities : rifle shooting and giant swing.
Rifles was aiming at little paper targets and scoring points - then in round two we shot at different styles of targets and spinning spoons. Scott was the champion with 37 points and 4 spoons!

Giant swing was a favourite activity of most people. Two people strapped onto the swing and everyone else heaving then up high, before one swinger pulls the cord to release them and weeeeeee!

Some more games with Adam and it was the final lunch. We gave a BRAVO to the catering team and the senior managers who were visiting - think we made their day!
The bus ride home saw us signing all the way - fuelled by sweeties as we were all in need of a much needed nap!
So a great weekend was had by all - huge thank you to Linda for organising it for us.